Explore On-the-Go Community Classes: Industry 4.0/Integrated Education & Training

LTC Sheboygan, 1320 Niagara Avenue

July 08, 2024
July 08, 2024
01:00 pm ~ 06:00 pm


Wondering what all the “Industry 4.0” excitement is all about? You’re not alone, so join us anytime during this event to find out! 

Explore the basic in-demand skills and knowledge you can gain by taking the free classes offered this fall at LTC Sheboygan and LTC Manitowoc. Faculty, admissions, and program counseling representatives will be available to answer all your questions.

If you don’t want to wait, learn more about the free robotics, electrical, and programming courses coming in fall and still  open for summer enrollment at gotoltc.edu/Industry-4.0-On-the-Go.

Pre-registration is not required but encouraged.

Register Here