Students are here to learn, and Lakeshore offers a wide range of academic support to help them succeed.
- Tutoring
- Study groups
- Technology
- Library
- Program counseling
- Zero cost textbooks/open educational resources
The average college textbook costs between $100-$150 according to Education Data Initiative. Lakeshore students have saved well over $2.1 million since 2018 thanks to the college offering open educational resources. These include free online textbooks, videos, and other learning tools that reside in the public domain.
Every student has an equal opportunity to participate in all aspects of Lakeshore’s programs, services, and activities. Accommodation Services is an active partner with students, faculty, and staff in creating an accessible learning environment.
With 81% our students working while enrolled, and 18% juggling single parenthood, providing personal supports can sometimes be what gets a student through a challenging day.
- On-site Child Care Center
- Financial coaching
- Career & transfer services
- Mental health counseling
- Student financial assistance
- StudentSHARE (free food, personal care, clothing)
TRIO Student Support
First-generation students (those whose parents did not graduate from college), lower income students, and disabled students are invited to participate in this federally funded program offering additional support and the ability to connect with other participating students.