College Use/Rental Guidelines

It is the practice of Lakeshore College to allow community groups and organizations to use our facilities and equipment when such use does not interfere or conflict with Lakeshore’s educational mission or guiding principles.


  1. All facilities and/or equipment are on a first come, first serves basis. the space and/or equipment will not be officially reserved until the contracting party receives written confirmation.
  2. College needs for use will take priority.
  3. Request cannot be made more than 365 days ahead of time.
  4. If Lakeshore determines that additional staff may be needed to provide security, janitorial services, technical, or other support service functions, these costs will be invoiced using the standard pricing.
  5. Once a request is received, Lakeshore will review and then a decision will be made to approve or deny the request. An emailed response will be sent.
  6. The signature on this contract denotes that group/agency does not discriminate with respect to membership in its organization or admission to the proposed use on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, handicap, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or political affiliation and agrees to comply with Lakeshore's Sexual Misconduct Policy, including the Title IX of Higher Education Act of 1972. Further explanation can be found at the following link: /about-us/title-ix.
  7. The contracting party further agrees that the usage shall conform to, comply with, and abide by all the laws of the United States and the State of Wisconsin, the rules and regulations of all jurisdictional governmental boards. Failure to comply with this provision will be grounds for termination of the usage.
  8. Vendor/contractor agrees to comply with the Drug-free Workplace / Schools / Communities policy.
  9. Vendor / contractor agrees to comply with the Firearms, Weapons and Explosives policy.
  10. Any signage that the requestor intends to hang up must be approved by Lakeshore prior to hanging up. Signage requests should be submitted a minimum of 7 days prior to the event.
  11. Business hours may vary, depending on the location and the college schedule.


Cleveland Campus

1290 North Avenue


Lakeshore College Manitowoc

600 York Street


Lakeshore College Sheboygan

1320 Niagara Avenue 



Lakeshore reserves the right to make facilities available free of charge or to reduce rental and service fees for events sponsored by Lakeshore administration, student organizations, divisions, or academic departments.

Registered non-profit, not-for-profit, and government entities will be charged half of the cost for the room rental; additional costs will be charged as listed, if required.

Room rental fees will be waived for Cleveland-based entities and municipalities; additional costs will be charged as listed, if required.

User is required to use Lakeshore’s security, IT, cleaners, and facilities staff when using our campus(s).

All room costs are for room use only; additional services requested/used/needed will be charged accordingly.

Any discounts or waivers only apply to standard room rentals, not to Public Safety and Other Use/Banquet Requests.

Costs are listed assuming use during business hours; use requested during non-business hours will be assessed for feasibility and are contingent on staffing availability.

All furniture or fixtures are to be returned to their original position. The person or organization making the reservation will be held responsible for preservation of order and will be liable for any damage sustained above the normal wear and tear while under their control. Additional custodial or technology charges may apply for returning the room to its original position.

If Security services are needed, Lakeshore will make every effort to provide coverage but cannot guarantee their presence as the officer may be called away to an off-campus emergency.

The following chart provides the rental fee structure for Available to rent Lakeshore facilities, and equipment & support.

Type Up to 4 hours 4.25 to 8 hours
Conference Room $60 $120
Classroom $60 $120
Cafeteria $60 $120
College Grounds $50 $110
Centennial Hall West Conference Room $75 $150
Centennial Hall East Conference Room $75 $150
Centennial Hall Conference Room Complete $150 $300
Public Safety use Quoted per request
Other room use/banquet requests* Quoted per request
Golf Carts Quoted per request

Additional Support Staff Cost (if required) – costs are listed per person

Security/Campus Police $25 per hour
Technical Staff $45 per hour
Cleaning staff $23 per hour
Facilities staff $40 per hour


All rooms have a networked computer, instructor station/desk with chair, student tables and chairs, white board, data/video projector, projection screen, ceiling mounted speakers, and document camera. Any additional services requested/used/needed will be charged accordingly.


You may bring in your own food and beverage or cater in. Lakeshore does not provide catering service. Vending machines are also located throughout campus.


  1. Individuals or organizations that would use the facility in direct competition with the College's services or programs are not eligible to use the College's facilities.
  2. Fund-raising events marketed to Lakeshore College students and staff are prohibited.
  3. The use of Lakeshore College facilities for the making or receiving of political contributions is prohibited by Wisconsin Statute. The college further reserves the right to regulate the time, place and manner in which political candidates or their representatives can appear on campus for the purpose of soliciting nomination signatures or presenting a public forum. Wisconsin State Statute 11.36 (3)(4).
  4. Events such as weddings, showers, private parties, or events of a similar nature, will not be eligible to use the College.
  5. Profit Generation. Individuals, organizations, external groups, agencies, or business entities cannot use facilities for commercial purposes, to generate profits or sales, or for promotional gimmicks.

Consumption, Serving & Transporting of Alcoholic Beverages on Lakeshore Property and Equipment

Lakeshore is an alcohol-free campus – no alcoholic beverages may be consumed or carried in to Lakeshore premises. Consumption of and transporting Alcoholic Beverages is prohibited while using Lakeshore equipment.


  1. No controlled substances or persons under the influence as defined by Wisconsin Statues shall be permitted on the Lakeshore campus at the time of the event or while using Lakeshore equipment.
  2. Lakeshore is a tobacco free campus. This includes buildings, grounds, and pathways. Tobacco use is allowed in parking lots inside private vehicles only. Tobacco use prohibited while using Lakeshore Equipment.
  3. Use, concealment, or possession of weapons, whether functional or not, in College facilities or while using Lakeshore equipment is strictly prohibited.
  4. No gambling of any kind or nature shall be permitted in or on Lakeshore College premises/buildings, or while using Lakeshore equipment.


Net 30 upon receipt of invoice. Invoice will be generated after event concludes. Any fees, including appropriate IT needs, staffing and hours incurred after contract is signed, will be applied to the invoice as appropriate.


If the organization identified in this contract needs to cancel these arrangements, communication must be received a minimum of 48 hours in advance. If not, 50% of the rental fee will be charged.

College Closing (due to inclement weather or otherwise) – Room rentals follow the college closing policy. If campus is closed, use will not be permitted. Refunds will be issued or rescheduling will be coordinated to accommodate the group affected by the college closure. Equipment rentals will be reviewed on a case by case basis.


  1. All users are responsible for damage caused to persons or property as a result of intentional or negligent conduct during their use of the facilities or equipment.
  2. The contracting party agrees not to damage, destroy, or deface the property or equipment and agrees to be responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of any items damaged, destroyed or defaced by those in attendance while on the property or where equipment is being used. All users are responsible for damage caused to people or property as a result of intentional or negligent conduct during the use of the facilities or equipment.
  3. The college will not assume any responsibility for the damage or loss of any merchandise or articles left in the college’s property or equipment prior to, during, or following a function/use.
  4. All users shall agree at the time of filing their contract for Lakeshore Facilities/Equipment Rental form, to hold Lakeshore College harmless with respect to any damage to property or injury to persons occurring as a result of their use of the facilities or equipment. The contracting party agrees to indemnify and hold harmless, assume liability for and defend, the College and their officers, employees and agents, from and against any and all actions, claims, liabilities, assertions of liability, losses, costs and expenses, which in any manner arise or are alleged to have arisen, from the acts, omissions or wrongful conduct of its officers, employees, agents, guests and contractors in connection with their operations, activities, occupancy or use of the property. All users shall agree by signing this application for use not to hold Lakeshore College responsible for any damage to property or injury to persons occurring as a result of their use of the facilities or equipment. Lessees and/or their representatives must adhere to all restrictions included but not limited to those included in the user’s information.
  5. Individuals, groups or organizations using Lakeshore facilities/equipment should make arrangements to provide adequate insurance coverage for themselves and those participating in the event. At the discretion of the College President or designated staff, liability insurance may be required at the expense of the renting individual, group, or organization in the amount deemed necessary by Lakeshore College.
  6. Users shall provide mature, responsible adult supervision at the time of use. Such person or persons shall be present at all times during the use or event, shall be designated by name on the Application for Rental of Lakeshore Facilities form, and shall sign the application prior to its submission. The contracting party shall be responsible for the supervision and control of its agents, employees, guests and contractors and their activities while on the property and/or during the event.