Lead Your Team through Adversity

This seminar is not on our current schedule. If you are interested in this topic, please contact us at 920.693.1675 or workforce.solutions@gotoltc.edu.

Adverse times have led to unique challenges in the workplace. Gain tools and insights to move forward in this changing economy.

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Lead Your Team through Adversity          

All topics are webinars. Enroll in one or more.


Course Descriptions

Leading Change: Adaptive & Resilient

Circumstances such as what businesses are going through right now can result in workforce disengagement and uncharacteristic negativity. Provide stability and help your team stay adaptive, resilient and prepared to handle the unexpected. Learn how to help your team be proactive and responsive to changing customer needs. Discover the importance of providing clarity, consistency, intent and purpose.

The High Performing Team of Tomorrow

Help your team members feel more involved and personally invested in supporting the business through challenging times. Learn how high performing teams collaborate, cooperate and celebrate achieving shared goals. Create team values that guide team interactions and the exchange of different perspectives. Create team guidelines that direct individuals to mutually satisfactory resolutions when occasional conflicts arise.

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Employers are proactively taking next steps in preparing for more equitable, diverse and inclusive workplaces. Learn how to support a diverse workforce. Review and re-evaluate current practices to gain awareness of unconscious biases. Learn what a sincere culture of equity and inclusion feels like for teams. Learn how to establish and maintain a culture that sees uniqueness as a strength rather than a weakness.

Leading & Motivating Multiple Generations

This program will address how leadership practices are evolving in the face of adversity. Learn how to lead a multi-generational workforce, help team members see differences as opportunities versus challenges, and avoid generational collisions. Learn how to make the most of people’s strengths. Motivate the individual and strengthen the team by building accountability, trust and confidence.

Promote Team Innovation & the Transfer of Expertise

Innovation is essential for business growth, and the transfer of expertise is crucial for continued business success. Learn how to tap into your team’s problem-solving talents. Provide challenge that will require your team to use critical thinking and decision-making skills. Establish a learning environment that supports continuous self-improvement and promotes the sharing and transfer of knowledge and skills.

Reinforcing Your Soft Skills

Whether teams are working together or separately, the workplace is an interpersonal space that depends on the utilization of soft skills. Learn how to strengthen team communications and recharge team connections through a collaborative mindset. Improve the work experience and work relationships and boost team performance and success.

Recruiting the Future Workforce

Applying for and accepting a job in the future will be driven by far more than salary and benefits. Job seekers will continue to become more brand conscious when it comes to workplace culture. They will look for those employers whose brand is intentional and authentic. Learn how to define and refine your brand and create strong brand awareness that encourages current employees to promote you as an employer.

About the Presenter 

Mary Townsend, owner of THRIVE, LLC
Mary Townsend, owner of THRIVE, LLC

Mary has over 30 years of experience working in various capacities that support and develop the people in organizations. She leads clients through Cultural Transformation and helps them align their culture with the critical components that improve employee engagement and retention, specializing in: Workforce Development Strategic Planning; Culture & Engagement Surveys and Stay Interviews, the Candidate/New Hire/Employee Experience; Mission, Vision, Purpose & Values Development or Updating; Team Influence & Impact; and People & Culture Based Leadership.


ONLINE with company bill information or download a registration form.
To register by phone with a credit card, call 920.693.1366

For questions or detailed information, call Wendy at 920.693.1167, or e-mail wendy.holschbach@gotoltc.edu.