Confined Space: Entrant/Attendant/Supervisor 2024
Seminar Title | Date | Time | Class # | Fee |
Confined Space: Rescue | Oct 2, 2024 (Wed) | 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. | 64769 | $295 |
Course Description
This hands-on class will prepare you to assume the role of attendant, entrant, or supervisor for a permit-required confined space (PRCS) entry.
Topics include:
- Identification of different types of confined spaces
- Overview of OSHA's CS standard
- Identification of hazards
- Application of hazard controls such as air monitoring, ventilation, and lockout/tagout
- Non-entry rescure
- Scenarios applying principles to simulated confined spaces enties
All sessions are taught by John Hanson.
ONLINE with company bill information or download a registration form.
To register by phone with a credit card, call 920.693.1366
For questions or detailed information, call Workforce Solutions at 920.693.1675, or e-mail