Lakeshore College FutureForce Students

Student Intern Responsibilities

Student Intern: As the Student Intern enters the company, he/she is expected to assume, as much as possible, the role of a regular staff member. The responsibilities include:

  1. Adhering to scheduled work hours, policies, procedures, and rules governing professional staff behavior.
  2. Adhering to company policies governing the observation of confidentiality and the handling of confidential information.
  3. Assuming personal and professional responsibilities for his/her actions and activities.
  4. Maintaining professional relationships with company employees and customers.
  5. Utilizing a courteous, enthusiastic, open-minded, critical approach to policies and procedures within the profession.
  6. Relating and applying knowledge acquired in the academic setting to the company setting.
  7. Developing self-awareness in regard to attitudes, values, and behavior patterns.
  8. Preparing for and utilizing conferences and other opportunities of learning afforded by the company.
  9. Being consistent and punctual in the submission of all work assignments to the Site Supervisor and to the Faculty Coordinator.
  10. Providing the Faculty Coordinator with periodic progress reports, both written and oral.
  11. Notifying the Site Supervisor and Faculty Coordinator of absences and tardiness.
  12. Participating in scheduled internship seminars.

Internship Program

Lakeshore College programs occasionally have the opportunity to offer students the chance to complete an internship performing work in a business or industry setting. Some programs require that students complete an internship performing work in a business and/or freelance service setting related to their program objectives. Students are responsible for seeking and obtaining an internship position. For more information regarding specific program requirements for an internship, view your program summary sheet by clicking on your program name from the following web page: Lakeshore College Programs.

For more information contact your program instructor: Internship Contacts

Internship Course Goals
  • Develop a self-awareness of how to develop personal success in a business setting through skills, attitudes, values and behavior patterns.
  • Gain exposure to your career field under the direct supervision of a business professional.
  • Plan and execute a process by which a defined project is completed at the workplace.
The Internship Process
  • You will discuss your internship interests with the internship instructor listed for your specific program.
  • Students who locate an internship for which they wish to apply must receive confirmation from their internship instructor before responding to the internship listing.
  • Internship sponsors are encouraged to evaluate the student's abilities and skills through an interview.
  • Internship sponsors have the option of sponsoring one or more interns during an academic semester, including summer.
  • Internship sponsors have the option of declining to sponsor an intern.
  • The student, internship supervisor, and internship instructor sign an agreement that specifies the duties and obligations of each.
  • The student signs a confidentiality agreement.
  • Internships are paid or unpaid.
Internship Details
  • The internship can be used as a one-, two-, three, or four-credit course. The number of credits is dependent upon the number of hours worked and is based upon your program requirement. Internships can also be non-credit activities.
  • Both the internship supervisor and the faculty instructor evaluate the intern's performance.
Student Qualifications
  • Students are generally in their second year of their program. (Although occasionally, first-year students have worked as interns.)
  • Generally, students must meet minimum credits earned and GPA per program eligibility requirements.

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