Consortium Agreements

Students who are accepted in a financial aid eligible program at Lakeshore College and are considering taking one or more courses at another school that apply towards their degree at Lakeshore College may request a Consortium Agreement between the schools. Since students are unable to receive financial aid from two schools during the same term, a Consortium Agreement allows the school at which the student is seeking their degree (the "home school") to combine credits from another school (the "visiting school") and pay financial aid based on the total. The Consortium Agreement is must be completed term by term.

Not all students who take courses at another school will need to request a Consortium Agreement. For some students, the combination of credits will not increase the amount of their financial aid award.  

To initiate a Consortium Agreement, a student must:

  1. Be seeking a degree in a financial aid eligible program at Lakeshore College, and the course(s) taken at the other school must apply towards the student's degree program at Lakeshore College.
  2. Register at the visiting school and pay for classes with their own resources.
  3. Contact the Lakeshore College Financial Aid Office for a Consortium Agreement Request Form.
  4. Complete and sign the student section of the Consortium Agreement Request Form and attach a copy of their "visiting school" schedule. View the Consortium Agreement Request form on the Financial Aid Forms tab of MyLTC.
  5. Verify with their Program Counselor/Program Counselor that course(s) being taken at the visiting school are required for completion of their Lakeshore College degree program.  The Advisor/Counselor's signature on the form verifies approval.  
  6. Send the signed Consortium Agreement Request Form, with copy of class schedule attached, to the visiting school financial aid office to be completed and returned to the Lakeshore College Financial Aid office prior to the census date.

Upon receipt of the above items, a Consortium Agreement will be created between Lakeshore College and the school listed on the Consortium Agreement Request.

Credits will not be added to the student's enrollment status until the Consortium Agreement is signed by both participating schools.

Pertinent information will be exchanged between schools to determine the student's eligibility, calculate financial aid awards, disburse funds, monitor satisfactory progress, and distribute any refund/repayment.  Lakeshore College will not pay the visiting school for any charges owed.

The student must inform the Lakeshore College Financial Aid Office if they drop or withdraw from any course(s) covered by this Consortium Agreement.

At the end of the term the student is responsible for providing the Lakeshore College Financial Aid Office with either an official or unofficial transcript from the "visiting school".

If an official transcript is provided, the Lakeshore College Financial Aid Office will confirm grades and forward the official transcript to the Records Office for inclusion in the student's academic record.

Failure to submit grades at the end of the term will make the student ineligible for future aid.

If verification of enrollment is needed for an insurance company or other outside agency, the Lakeshore College Records Office only verifies credits taken at Lakeshore College.  A student must obtain separate enrollment verification from their visiting school to provide to the agency.